UX design process for a mechanical service

SJVC Mecanics was a website that offer a fast automovilistic diagnostic approximate inserting a few or nothing of car's information

My role

I was the UX researcher and UX designer, i did so many emphatizations and definitions, all the designs and prototypes in diferent size screens

Project Goal

Desing a service, a fast and approximate way to get a automovilistic diagnostic to they without knowledge about the theme


Users pain points


There is not a website of automovilistic diagnostic yet that have the functionality of answar questions to get a posible cause or reason


The most of car websites tend to be old or they use obsolet technologies and designs that aren't supported by all browsers and devices


In the finding of solutions on the web you'll see a variety of information sources and sites, is slow to the users read and process all that information


The automobile websites seems diricted to mechanics instead of designed to the car's owner that unknown so many typical terms

Person cristobal marcos description

Principal constraints

Desing strategy

Site map

horizontal sitemap, like a process

I begin to create distinct versions of each principal page, to get practice i try to use desktop-first filosophy

PC screen in paper wireframe 1 PC screen in paper wireframe 2 PC screen in paper wireframe 3 PC screen in paper wireframe 4
I had very versions to each page and with those components combined a pulled version from the * marked parts

Digital wireframes

PC and mobile screens comparison with wireframes PC and mobile screens comparison with wireframes
At this part i added the mobile version, i didn't before because prefer the digital wireframing versus the paper wireframing


First prototype

Test in users

Disclaimer: This project was execute inside a course of UX Desing from Google Career, I didn't tests with real people, most feedback was supossed

Planning the study

To advance from one design to another better inside the same project i like to plan a usability study to know what see other than me no.

Study goal

Firstly about what need the user, what is better for all if there is not something necesary

Interview script

it's made up of an introduction, ice breaking, task with distict alternatives and final conclusions / questions.

Here is the place to a big specification to practice the tasks and questions that i will do.


Research insights

Selecting auto

Users needs a better explanatiuon to next steps


Users needs to insert data in a more intuitively way


Users needs to read a accesible language and easy to understand

Final prototype

Isometric view of a lot of app's screens See final prototype

Next steps

  1. Make user accounts to can continuing with a chat to they that describes their specific problem with our experts
  2. Finish the desings to the mobile responsive version
  3. Get an agree with the mechanic team to start make all possible questions and diagnostic results.

What i learned

Put coordinates and distances in a more suitable between the elements. Make interactiver prototypes. I now can take advantge of the assets panel